Welcome to
Victus Counseling
At Victus our specialized Counselors are dedicated to providing the tools and supports needed to overcome an eating disorder. Specialized registered dietitians are available through a network of providers we have cultivated collaboration with. Including IAEDP trained and certified dietitians licensed in multiple states.
Helping you to navigate and overcome:
News & Articles
Five Questions To Ask Your Providers To Determine If They Are Specialists
Not every therapist / dietitian / medical provider is a good fit for every client. We all have different personalities, different styles and different specialties – and eating disorders are SUCH a specialty. Therapists / dietitians / medical providers with the best intentions can do more harm than good working outside their training and expertise. […]
Creating a Pathway for Recovery
Victus Counseling is dedicated to guiding individuals on a transformative journey toward recovery from eating disorders. We understand the complexities of these conditions and offer a supportive environment where you can find the most effective treatment tailored to your needs. Our experienced team uses a range of evidence-based therapies, like Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), which helps in altering negative thought patterns; Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT), encouraging a life aligned with personal values even in the face of distress; and Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT), which equips you with coping skills for emotional stability.
We also incorporate Motivational Interviewing to empower your willingness to change, Person-Centered Therapy to provide a non-judgmental space for growth, and Family Behavior Therapy (FBT) to engage the support of loved ones in your recovery process. Every step you take with us is a stride toward reclaiming control and creating a balanced, fulfilling life.
I am so very humbled to collaborate with these AMAZING professionals and remarkable friends helping South Dakota residents because of a shared vision of serving with humility. These providers are the real heroes and my inspiration!
Lizzie Saltzman - owner and certified eating recovery coach -♥️
Beautifully Recovered www.beautifullyrecoveredcoaching.com
Meggie Holden, RD, CEDS-RD - owner and certified registered dietitian - ♥️ Compassionate Nutrition
Brooke Farrington, LMFT, CEDS - owner and super friend ❤️ - Farrington Specialty Clinics
Maddi Osburn, registered dietitian and owner
Flexible Nutrition
Creating something that is not offered in many communities across the US is no easy feat. Victus Counseling started in 4/2023 and in 1/2024 I purchased and rebranded the company. We are entering 2025 with exciting opportunities and continued dedication to our clients.
Thank you to these amazing professionals - Victus Counseling is absolutely essential in our community and these providers collaborate everyday with Victus in the most specialized fields in mental health.
I am humbled to work alongside the best in the nation it is an honor.
Thank you South Dakota, Minnesota, Iowa, Florida clients and families for trusting these wonderful providers and myself in the care of your journey.
Lastly, I am excited to announce the new Victus Counseling website❤️
Faith Carlson, MA, LPCMH, CEDS and owner Victus Counseling
www.victusrecovery.com ... See MoreSee Less
Victus Counseling – Creating a Pathway for Recovery
At Victus our specialized Counselors are dedicated to providing the tools and supports needed to overcome an eating disorder. Specialized registered dietitians are available through a network of provi...0 CommentsComment on Facebook
Eating Recovery work takes dedication, humility, commitment, respect, support, being open to feedback, honest communication, connecting, and those difficult loving supportive challenging accountability goals that are very hard to hear.
This is what our trained specialized eating disorder dietitians do every session with our clients.
They often are the “bad” guy on the multi-treatment team from those stuck in this complex diagnosis. Specialized trained eating recovery dietitians challenge clients to RECOVERED. Not “good-enough”. Not “quasi recovery”
It’s about healing to healed. Recovery to Recovered.
I am honored, humbled, and so grateful to work with one of the most dedicated and highly respected leading registered, certified, and highly qualified dietitians in the nation. She sets the bar for what I expect in working with any and all dietitians in this field.
It’s often a thankless role on the team and I can’t say thank you enough to Compassionate Nutrition Meggie Holden, RD, CEDS-RD.
🌟📣🌟📣Meggie and Faith are now Co-Leading South Dakota’s only certified and licensed dietitian and therapist eating disorder recovery group in the state🌟📣🌟
VICTUS COUNSELING is honored to host the first and only two Certified Eating Disorder Specialists in the state at one location providing treatment services.
It is a bittersweet honor to be a leader in this rare opportunity has we trial out professional collaborative work in a partnership built on trust and a vision of recovered for all our clients.
Meggie Holden, RD, CEDS-RD, brings an unmatched level of awareness, evidenced based treatment knowledge, and commitment to our clients.
On behalf of Victus Counseling and our professional community of IAEDP members - Thank You!
…more announcements coming‼️‼️ ... See MoreSee Less
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Eat for yourself and to better yourself. Not for a person not in your shoe's!!
You two are amazing!! ♥️🤩 ♥️
Absolutely fantastic!
A full weekend of a different kind of work at the clinic….thank you to all the professionals and businesses who contributed to this weekends projects and ongoing development expansion of Victus Counseling eating recovery specialty clinic in South Dakota this year!
Many many behind the scenes professionals make Victus Counseling happen for the community. I am humbled to be a small fraction of a huge sum of professionals who are passionate about their work and collaborating with the vision and mission of Victus eating recovery support.
~ 11/2024 Victus Content Development
Downtown Design - Website Design & SEO in Sioux Falls, SD ... See MoreSee Less
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Exciting updates and announcements coming soon at Victus Counseling in Sioux Falls!
I must say Bella Rosa Flower Market in Sioux Falls - you ladies have my heart ♥️ flowers are gorgeous XOXO ... See MoreSee Less
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A Big Thank You, Magnolia Joanna Gaines! 🎉 Eating Recovery Therapists Inspired by Magnolia Table
As a mental health therapist specializing in the treatment of eating disorders, I recently had a “that’s what it’s about” moment while reading Magnolia Table by Joanna Gaines.
I literally had to stop and not shout out in the middle of the book store (joyful curse word enter here) in shock and awe.
Why? Because this beautiful collection of recipes is filled with stunning pictures and heartfelt comments about connection and gratitude—yet not a single mention of “low fat,” “carbs,” or “calories” appears under any recipe. (Not in the WHOLE 328 pages).
Rather she chooses to say “You can add more chocolate chips depending on what you are in the mood for” like wow Joanna - thank you❤️
This is what a recipe book should be about: celebrating life. Joanna Gaines embodies the values of connection and food, creating a bundle of authentic love that resonates deeply in our work. It’s a reminder that food is meant to bring us together, not divide us.
Let’s continue to focus on nourishment that nurtures both body and spirit! 💖
#EatingDisorders #MentalHealth #Nutrition #Connection #FoodIsLove
#MagnoliaTable #JoannaGaines
#Magnolia ... See MoreSee Less
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An Open Letter to Eating Recovery Clients: Acknowledging Our Systemic Failures for True Healing
To all of you fighting the battle in eating recovery, I want to share a message of hope and inspiration. It’s important to acknowledge that past help, treatment programs, and providers may have caused harm in their efforts to challenge your eating disorder. Sometimes, what you needed was validation and support rather than challenge. Conversely, there may have been times when you sought validation and support, but what you really needed was that challenge with accountability.
I am deeply sorry that some forms of help may have hurt you in a field where we all can do better. You matter in getting the help you deserve—even when the emergency room dismissed you, when higher levels of care were dictated by insurance, when doctors were biased, when dietitians were harmful, or when therapists lacked education. It’s not fair, and you matter. On behalf of the nation’s providers, I acknowledge these harms and express my sincerest apologies.
Know that you matter, even when it doesn’t always feel that way—your voice matters.
In the spirit of encouragement, I share this mantra:
I am stronger than my fears.
I embrace the discomfort of change.
I am not alone; I have a support team that believes in me.
I will face body image distress with compassion for myself.
I honor my body by nourishing it.
I will accept slips as part of my growth.
I trust my healthy self to guide me forward.
I am an expert in my own journey, learning from my supports and being open to new insights.
Each step I take is a step toward healing.
My recovery is a path to freedom, not a burden.
I will give recovery a chance—for me.
As you continue on this path, remember that recovery is a process. It requires patience, vulnerability, and the courage to face difficult moments. You are worthy of this journey, and every effort you make is a testament to your strength. Hold onto hope and know that brighter days are ahead.
Together, we can foster the change needed to support your healing and transform our field for the better. Keep sharing your ‘why’ has we all remain open to learning.
- Faith C ... See MoreSee Less
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I am always thinking outside the box. How can I help remind our rural eating recovery clients they are not alone?? Do just that - Remind them when they are eating a meal they are never alone! Enjoy my script and feel free to share it! It comes with faith and hope in every line❤️
Embracing My Meal Journey
“When I'm feeling angry or frustrated while eating a meal, I need to remember that I still need to eat. I know these feelings can be really tough, and healing from them will require hard work.
If Meggie or Faith were here right now, they would remind me that I still need to nourish my body, no matter how I feel.
I recognize that any mean, guilty, or shaming thoughts that pop up are not my true self—they're my eating disorder trying to take control. I need to separate those thoughts from my Healthy Self.
I’ll take it one moment at a time. I can use distractions to help ignore the bullying comments from my E/D.
My goal is to keep trying at each meal, pushing myself to go a little further in my recovery journey. Each bite is a step towards healing, and I am committed to this process.”
I created this script to give to my rural clients and remind them we believe in them!
Sharing because it’s caring ❤️
- Faith in South Dakota ... See MoreSee Less
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If in my whole career you only read this email and letter and help us help our clients - it would be a miracle and mean the world to me and our clients across the nation. I know this sounds desperate and it is. We - professionals across the nation - treating eating disorders need this fixed and we only have until the 11th (Friday) for this letter to go to the APA.
We are tired clinicians and we care so much - this change is going to cripple providers across the nation treating eating disorders. It doesn’t cost money it’s not political we just need the codes changed back - we are desperate for help fixing this mess that happened this week across the USA. Thank you for helping and sharing we need everyone we can get on this one ❤️
Please read and share! We only have through Friday the 11th on this opportunity
Email from Jessica Setnick, MS, RD, CEDS-C
Executive Director, The International Federation of Eating Disorder Dietitians
Colleagues, forgive me if you receive this information more than once. I'm sending it through every channel I can think of to reach as many people as possible.
Re: the changes to eating disorder codes that took place overnight last week and are messing up our patientslives: we have an opportunity to get this disaster reversed, but we have to act fast and we have to unite. I’ve spent all day with the APA and on my computer writing a proposal in their required format, and believe me, it’s as bureaucratic and exhausting as it sounds. I have typed a summary letter for you to read at this link: ifedd.org/mhpaea
I believe in my heart that this was a mistake that was caused by bureaucracy and that a grassroots effort by hundreds of people will make a difference. I have been told by the APA that submitting one proposal with tons of endorsements and signers is more valuable than multiple proposals. So if you agree enough with what I wrote to want to include your name and credentials, or your business or organization name, or all of the above when I submit the proposal, please email me by close of business Friday. You can also email me a supporting letter on your organization’s letterhead if you prefer. And if you happened to participate in the APA Eating Disorder Treatment Guidelines referenced in the proposal, or want me to include the name of your eating disorder book or article next to your name as an added credential, I’m happy to. Anything that will help make the case that you care and you want this changed.
My cape is fraying and I can’t do this alone. Please forward this email far and wide to any individual eating disorder provider, researcher, treatment facility or advocacy organization, as well as any therapist, doctor or dietitian you work with who cares about eating disorders or patients even if they’re not a specialist. My goal is that the list of co-signers is longer than the letter itself.
Jessica ... See MoreSee Less
IFEDD Advocacy Initiatives – Ifedd.org
Please read the letter below which is a summary of our submission and if you or your organization are willing to be listed at the end, please email info@eddietitians.com by close of business Friday, O...0 CommentsComment on Facebook
Please Please Please share! Sign! And help!!
We only have until FRIDAY 10th - America we can do this and send a huge message that we need these harmful eating disorder codes rescinded now! They were just changed 10/1 with no warning to our field nationally. We have to back this change off ASAP. (Long story short for any licensed provider treating eating disorders and using insurance - we have to have a diagnosis code and description - the APA changed the code 10/1 and made it so much more complex and difficult for providers and EASIER for insurance to deny coverage!)
Let’s help Jessica out she has been working on this letter the last 48 hrs. To send to the APA stating reverse the changes back to the ones before 10/1.
I can’t say this enough PLEASE share and sign!! This is a big deal!!
“My cape is fraying and I can’t do this alone. Please forward this email far and wide to any individual eating disorder provider, researcher, treatment facility or advocacy organization, as well as any therapist, doctor or dietitian you work with who cares about eating disorders or patients even if they’re not a specialist. My goal is that the list of co-signers is longer than the letter itself.”
Urgent action: Revert Diagnosis “Severity” Specifiers Back to Optional Status
Please read the letter below which is a summary of our submission and if you or your organization are willing to be listed at the end, please email info@eddietitians.com by close of business Friday, October 10th with either your name or your organization’s name as you’d like it to appear, or a letter expressing your support for IFEDD’s proposal on organization letterhead to be included as an appendix to the proposal. ... See MoreSee Less
IFEDD Advocacy Initiatives – Ifedd.org
Please read the letter below which is a summary of our submission and if you or your organization are willing to be listed at the end, please email info@eddietitians.com by close of business Friday, O...0 CommentsComment on Facebook